Where is Willard Scott when you need him? Today, ye olde Splash of Something is turning 100 — posts that is. Woo hoo! It’s been a mighty fun journey so far, and I’m so excited to keep this party train moving. Speaking of parties…
This “Happy 100” party is pulling the old switcheroo and gifting you with something grand to mark the occasion. Because so much of the happenings around this bloggy neighborhood are cooking/baking-related, I thought these adorable custom recipe cards from 1canoe2 would be the perfect fit. For one lucky duck reader, I’m gifting the above set of 21 letterpressed recipe cards, just waiting to document your next culinary endeavors. Oh, happy day! Here’s how you enter to win:
Comment on this post with your best answer to one of the following questions: Option 1: What’s your greatest cooking disaster? Any soufflés that flopped? Ovens catching fire? Cardboard in spaghetti? Option 2: What’s your best cooking advice (perhaps wisdom that came out of said disaster)?
The winner will be announced on Monday right here on the blog, so you have all weekend to reminisce about burnt brownies, jawbreaker biscuits and overcooked chicken. So. Much. Fun.
Feel free to pass the news to your friends — then again, it’s a numbers game, so too many peeps might lessen your chances. Hooray for competition!
Can’t wait to hear all your wild and crazy kitchen tales! And thank you for reading; 100 tastes much sweeter when shared with friends.
Recipe card image from 1canoe2.
ahhh my greatest cooking disaster…..i would have to say that one night….not too long ago….i THOUGHT taking all of the leftovers in the fridge and incorporating them into one big dish would turn out great…..not so much….we ended up throwin it all away and tossing a frozen pizza in the oven lol
Hee hee! We’ve had a lot of those nights in our house, too. You never know when you’ll come up with a masterpiece, but it’s smart thinking to have the frozen pizza on hand — just in case. 🙂
My greatest cooking disaster involves hard boiled eggs. Last week I decided to hard boil a dozen eggs so that my hubby J and I would have them for a quick breakfast or snack all week. Well I didn’t boil them long enough because when I got to work the next morning, it was closer to a soft boiled egg (not very good cold). I tried reboiling them and again ended up at work the next day with a soft boiled egg. Finally I was able to boil them all to the right amount after 3 tries.
I am happy to say I hard boiled some eggs this morning and was told by J that I hard boil eggs perfectly–I guess I fooled him!
Happy 100 🙂
Oh no! At least it wasn’t a total uncooked mess when you cracked it open at work! 🙂 Glad to hear you’ve perfected your technique!
My greatest kitchen disaster…A few years back, I was making homemade pizza. A friend, my husband, and I went outside to watch a fire in the mountains. When I went back in to put the cheese on the pizza, I dropped my hot pad onto the element which immediately went up in flames. In trying to “rescue” my pizza and take care of the fire at the same time, the pizza slid off the pan onto the bottom of the oven. We finally got the fire under control, but had no pizza. My friend decided it was probably best that I never make pizza again when there was a fire burning on the mountain.
Eek!!! This sounds like something that would happen on a sitcom! First the fire, then the mess!?! It’s probably one of those moments that feels a lot funnier in hindsight, right? 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
It was DEFINITELY funnier in hindsight. I had just about resigned to never making pizza again because of it. 🙂
I have had many kithen disaster but two really stick out in my mind. One of them involves my in-laws and the other my parents. Both of them happened during the first year of my marriage.
1. My family loves spaghetti. Growing up my mother used a recipe from an old Betty Crocker’s cookbook. One of the ingredients is chili powder. I used to make it before I got married and was use to the color and shape of the container that contained my mom’s chili powder. The first time my parent’s came to visit, I decided to fix the spaghetti. Instead of putting chili powder into the sauce, I put cinnamon in the sauce. The little tin of cinnamon looked like my mom’s tin of chili powder. Needless to say the spaghetti had a different flavor that day. (Interestingly enough, sometime later we found a recipe with cinnamon in spaghetti!!!!)
2. I was trying to impress my in-laws. What new bride doesn’t want to make a good impression? I decided to tackle a turkey dinner. The turkey turned out fine…the problem was the bread. It didn’t rise, but I went ahead and cooked the rolls anyway. I have never, ever eaten such heavy rolls in all my life. Lesson learned. Make sure the water or milk is not hot, just warm so it doesn’t kill the yeast! Even now I use a candy thermometer to make sure the liquid isn’t too hot or too cold, but just right!
Great stories! Your spaghetti one really makes me giggle. I’ve done some switcheroos with spices, too. Makes for interesting dinner conversation! 🙂
I used to work at a cute little coffee house that served a few food items as well. All of the recipes were taped to the wall of the kitchen. One of our more popular dishes was the simple lunch staple, grilled cheese. I grew up with a strong dislike for cheese (I know, I know, strangest kid ever), so I didn’t have much experience in making grilled-cheese sandwiches. I relied on the recipe which stated: butter bread, place one slice of cheese between the bread slices, and place on panini grill for a few minutes. I followed these instructions exactly for months.
It wasn’t until my manager saw me making a grilled cheese one day that she asked what I was doing. For months I had been buttering the inside of the sandwich, not the outsides of the slices of bread. Technically, I was following the recipe, but whoever wrote it assumed everyone knew the butter goes on the outside. Not me! At least none of the customers ever complained, and my manager just laughed at me.
This is too funny! It’s so true, though, that some foods just seem so universal, we assume everyone knows how to make them. I did see a recipe on Mad Hungry right before Christmastime for a grilled meatball sandwich that buttered the inside of the bread instead of the outside. Perhaps you started the trend? Thanks for sharing!