Picnics are one of Beany’s favorite things to do these days. What’s not to love about packing a lunch and eating outside, right? Actually, I think the newfound love stems from her newfound obsession with lunchboxes, which, quite logically, stems from her newfound fascination with school. Here’s a typical household conversation as of late:
Beany: “I can’t go to school right now. I’m too little for the big school bus.”
Me: “That’s right, but when you get a little older, you can go to school.”
Beany: “Yeah, but when I’m taller, I need my lunchbox and my backpack, and I go to school on the big bus.”
Me: “That’s right.”
Beany: “But I can’t fit on my little [toy] school bus either. Because I’m too big.”
So is life as an almost 3-year-old.
She’s not quite ready for school yet, but we did stumble across a super cute mermaid lunchbox in a post-back-to-school sale pile at Whole Foods recently, so now Beany can “practice playing school,” as she says — at least the lunchtime portion.
Fortunately, Beany is more than happy to include her brother in the school practice. And fortunately for Beany, he’s happy to comply.
This post is part of The 52 Project: One photo of Beany and Bear every week of the year.
Oh this is so beyond precious!!
Watching them become little buddies really is the best! 🙂