As I’m sure I’ve mentioned on more than one occasion, all of my best ideas, particularly the writing-related ones, seem to come while I’m taking a shower. Basically, a lovely line emerges from the steam, then bounces around for a while, rephrased and repeated until it’s written to memory. It’s a Darwinian twist on the…
And the baking returns! Cranberry orange scones
We’ve all heard the old adage: A baby changes everything. Three weeks into this parenting thing, and I can indeed confirm that our tiny bundle has made a mountain-sized impact on life as we knew it. Although the Bean’s birth hasn’t literally changed everything — there’s still work to do, school to attend, holidays to…
When life gives you limes, make ice cream
There are a lot of things you can learn about a person just by sharing a meal together. You can learn likes and dislikes, favorites and not-so-favorites, and you almost always get a glimpse at one or two of those little quirks that make that someone tick. The very first time I went to a…