Beany has been increasingly interested in ingredients lately, and her questioning is often relentless. “What is that?” “Where did that come from?” “What does that taste like?” “How did you make it?” This has its plusses and minuses, of course. Curiosity finally convinced her to taste salad dressing, which made her taste spinach salad, which…
Snow Day Prep! Linguine with Lemon, Garlic and Thyme Mushrooms
The whole Northeast is prepping for a gigantic wallop of a snowstorm, so, naturally, Target was a madhouse yesterday. Think holiday-sized crowds grabbing at end caps filled with water and snack foods (Super Bowl fare works well in blizzards, too, FYI), filling baskets with enough flashlights and peanut butter to last well into next week….
Easy Weeknight Dinners: Black Bean, Corn and Tomato Tacos
True confession: Our Christmas tree is still up. Make that trees. As much as I realize the time is nigh (past nigh?), I just can’t let the holidays go. Have you ever seen your house look as pretty as it does when it’s filled with twinkle lights? I know it’s about time I pack those…
Project NYT: What’s up, Butternut?
Around our house (and probably a lot of yours, too), winter weather means soup weather. Fortunately, considering the piles of cold and snowiness we’ve been hit with this season, there’s no shortage of classics to pull out or new recipes to try. Whether it’s time-tested favorites like tomato or chicken noodle or new spins like…
Project NYT: Oatmeal, meet Cookie. Om, nom, nom.
Dried oats are pretty amazing when you think about it. With little more than a dot of water and sprinkle of brown sugar, they’re an automatic breakfast. Roast them with dried fruit and maple syrup or honey, and your granola wishes are fulfilled. Add some butter, sugar, flour, eggs and raisins, and you’ve brought them…