The other day I was hanging up some laundry to dry and realized that between Beany and me, we could rock a polka dot nearly every day of the week. The entire doorframe of the master closet (the designated drying spot in our humble abode) was filled with a smattering of spots in varying sizes…
Wrapping Week 2013: Fa La La Felt Ornaments
Ever since I made these felt cookies for Beany and my niece last Christmas (which are holding up amazingly well and still favorite toys in our house), I’ve been toting around a ridiculously large supply of scrap felt. It’s like when you’re eating dinner at one of those gigantic-portions Italian restaurants, and no matter how…
Wrapping Week 2013: Holly Jolly Reindeer Prints
We got our first real covers-everything-and-makes-the-world-look-pretty snow last night in Boston! Woo hoo! After living in North Carolina for two years, where we barely, barely got anything that could count as flurries for nearly the entire stay, I think Jared and I just assumed that moving to the Northeast would mean bunches and bunches of…
Let’s get wrapping!
How did Christmas get to be less than three weeks away? I know, broken record, broken record. But has this past month flown by, or what? I’ve amazingly finished my shopping already, which is pretty unheard of for me this early in the game, but that just means there’s lots of wrapping around the corner….
Wrapping Week 2012: Put a Snowflake on It
I love a pretty package and will happily sit on the floor of my living room, surrounded by piles of paper, ribbon and tape, until every last present is wrapped, but I realize that spending two hours on a Tuesday night crafting intricate bows out of shopping bags isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time….
Wrapping Week 2012!
On Christmas morning, there are two very different kinds of people who gather around the tree. There are those who rip open presents and tear off bows, with a laser-like focus on what’s inside. And there are those who peel off tape, untie ribbons and pry back paper with the care of a professional present…
Wrapping Week: For those who dig a monogram
Has anyone else ever received those Lillian Vernon catalogs in the mail? They used to come to our house when I was little, and I remember paging through the kids’ section every time they arrived, in desperate search of a personalized backpack, lunchbox, toy or pillowcase bearing my initials or name. At 5 or 6…
Wrapping Week: Save the trees, please!
Pink and green dots are pretty holly jolly, don’t you think? I picked up this festive fabric at Jo-Ann’s a while back and thought it might make the perfect wrapping for some of our more girlie gifts this year. It was on super duper sale (yahoo!), so for less than a roll of paper, I…
Wrapping Week 2011!
According to my chocolate-filled advent calendar (which I’m happily eating away on until the big day arrives), Christmas is a mere 13 days away. Thirteen days!?! Can you believe it? How did it get to the middle of December already? How did the Bean get to be 5 weeks old already? Wowza. That time, she’s…
The making of a wrap star
As per my usual, I’m running on list-y mode via a checklist I started a few days ago with all of my pre-holiday to-dos: addressing Christmas cards, mailing Christmas cards, buying stamps for Christmas cards (as Clarice, Rudolph’s lady love, sang, “There’s always tomorrow…”). But last night, it was all about the wrapping. Wrapping has…